The day before leaving on vacation we hosted a group of girls from Casa Bernabe for a day retreat. There were 30 girls and 12 ladies from Texas that led the teaching sessions. Starting at 7:00am and going into the evening, finishing at 8:30pm. The house was "very used" and when the day was over we were exahausted. Another wonderful way to bless the kids and staff of the homes we have come to know and enjoy. A few days before this, we entertained, enjoyed, and cherished a special time with Jay and Rosene Hurst. When we came to Guatemala we soon came to know them as a very special couple that REALLY cared about what the staff of ORI was doing in GT. As our prayer partners they called often to ask how they could pray for us and our work. A few days prior to their coming we hosted two of the staff from Children's HopeChest in Colorado. They were here to sign the first set of legal papers forming the legal association of the organization in GT. I will be vice president of the GT board of directors which will keep us involved with the orphanages, directors, and children that we have loved so much. I may have to return twice to sign papers to finish the legal work within the next 2 months. We'll try to schedule the trips around hunting!!! Then my trips down will be at least once a year, maybe more often if I lead any of the interested church vision teams.
Sheryl and I are excited about our future....not sure yet what all God has planned, but we'll wait and see. First we'll welcome our new grandchild with lots of love. We're told that she may come before Thanksgiving....we're ready! Hoping to be there in time. The house that we bought in State College will be available on the 30th of November. Angie says that we'll be helping her with the children so staying with them won't be a problem. Thankful for our wonderful family!
This weekend and next week we'll move the ORI office out of the house to the warehouse till it's needed again. Next week Thursday Rod and Sarah, the ORI founders will be here for a few days to go over the changes taking place with the ORI staff. Will be a busy last 2 weeks!
Thanks for all your prayers and support!
Jim and Sheryl Leaman
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