Monday, October 31, 2011

A FEW DAYS AWAY...and running out of time!

Sixteen days and we'll be on our way to Pennsylvania! Seeing what that area of the country experinced over the weekend, with an early snow storm, we'll have to adjust quickly to the cold. What I hear from others that have retuned to the colder climate...the thermostat is a welcome fixture. I often said that we needed one on our wall here in Guatemala just to make us think it's warm. I think the rain is over.....three small tremors in the last two days. We only felt one of them but like I said before, it's something that you just don't get used to. Thet say that a quake will begin and end the rainy season.
Almost three years in Guatemala and it seems like we just didn't have much time for vacation or visits to the beautiful coast areas of the country. Last week we took a few days off and visited the east coast, Livingston and the Rio Dulce area. Our choice of hotels was full so I checked other places available and after reading positive reviews we chose a jungle setting, Finca Tatin. Our friends who went along with us also were pleased with what they read online about the cleanliness and good food. The description also mentioned that because of it's jungle setting there would be some bugs!!!! Big SPIDERS like I've never seen before! I was thoughtful enough to take along some bug spray and before we went to dinner I sprayed the screened windows and curtains thinking that it would help if the mosquitoes were bad. When we returned we found a large spider inside our bed net. I thought the net was for the small bugs that would bite during the night. After killing that one we found another one hiding on the stone wall. Our friend found one inside his net when he woke up in the morning. When we left later in the morning we decided to go back into Livingston and see if we could swim in the nice blue, clean, and bug free pool at the original hotel of choice. It was wonderful! 
The day before leaving on vacation we hosted a group of girls from Casa Bernabe for a day retreat. There were 30 girls and 12 ladies from Texas that led the teaching sessions. Starting at 7:00am and going into the evening, finishing at 8:30pm. The house was "very used" and when the day was over we were exahausted. Another wonderful way to bless the kids and staff of the homes we have come to know and enjoy. A few days before this, we entertained, enjoyed, and cherished a special time with Jay and Rosene Hurst. When we came to Guatemala we soon came to know them as a very special couple that REALLY cared about what the staff of ORI was doing in GT. As our prayer partners they called often to ask how they could pray for us and our work. A few days prior to their coming we hosted two of the staff from Children's HopeChest in Colorado. They were here to sign the first set of legal papers forming the legal association of the organization in GT. I will be vice president of the GT board of directors which will keep us involved with the orphanages, directors, and children that we have loved so much. I may have to return twice to sign papers to finish the legal work within the next 2 months. We'll try to schedule the trips around hunting!!! Then my trips down will be at least once a year, maybe more often if I lead any of the interested church vision teams.
Sheryl and I are excited about our future....not sure yet what all God has planned, but we'll wait and see. First we'll welcome our new grandchild with lots of love. We're told that she may come before Thanksgiving....we're ready! Hoping to be there in time. The house that we bought in State College will be available on the 30th of November. Angie says that we'll be helping her with the children so staying with them won't be a problem. Thankful for our wonderful family!
This weekend and next week we'll move the ORI office out of the house to the warehouse till it's needed again. Next week Thursday Rod and Sarah, the ORI founders will be here for a few days to go over the changes taking place with the ORI staff. Will be a busy last 2 weeks!

Thanks for all your prayers and support!
Jim and Sheryl Leaman

Friday, September 30, 2011

Freedom to Spoil Children!

Spoiling the kids was not hard to do as Sheryl and I helped to care for the children at an Orphanage out near Lake Atitlan last week. Manos de Compasion is a wonderful home of 16 children living with a young couple that has two of their own children under 2 years. Their hands are truely filled to overflowing and they needed a break so the Freed family, a single guy and Sheryl and I took over the responsibilities while they went to the beach. Two of the little guys, Issac and Josue became my buddies quickly, even would cry when I disappeared. For Sheryl, Minor was a little guy that didn't want anyone nor was he happy about anything! Sheryl seem to attach to him which made the atmosphere in the house a lot better. We're still thanking the Lord for the generator that was there to give light. Workers were cutting trees down and dropped one of the large trees on the power lines snapping a pole on Friday morning when we arrived. The power company was gracious to come on Saturday evening before dark to restore power. Don't know what we would have done for 3 days without any electricity. Sunday afternoon we left the home and went to Santa Catarina Palopo, one of the small villages that surround the Lake for a short time of relaxation. Rolando, a friend and partner in the work with Childrens HopeChest stayed with us and arranged for a pleasant time with one of his friends that does boat trips on the lake. We had a beautiful day and a wonderful time stopping in at San Juan, then to San Pedro, then to a nice restaurant overlooking the lake. A stroll among the shops in Pana Monday evening then we finished with a "tuk tuk" ride back to our hotel in Santa Cantarina.

It's still the rainy season! We now have a day or two, if we're lucky without rain, then it rains again and can it ever rain! It's not unusual to get 3 inches in an hour or two. Some of the villages have had mud slides and families have lost their lives. It's been an interesting month of earthquake tremors also. A few weeks ago we had 3 fairly large tremors from 4.2-5.8 in the area south of us which did some major damage to the adobe homes in the poorer villages. I saw this morning that 700 properties were being bulldozed down because they are unsafe  to live in. It's still not determined if, or who will give them any help. I have not, and probably never will get used to the tremors....they come by surprise and we never know how big or damaging they will be. We continue to put our trust in God!
When we have opportunity were trying to get out to some of the homes that Sheryl and I have  closer relationships with to say our goodbyes and to share cookies with them. We will definately miss the children, their smiles, hugs and comments. My time recently has been quite busy helping to get the necessary information needed, along with Rolando, to set up an Association here in Guatemala for Children's HopeChest. They have partnered with ORI for the last year as I helped them to begin their ministry to the children in GT, but now with myself leaviing they see that it's necessary to form their own legal status to continue. I feel honored also to be asked to serve as a board member of the new organization. As our time with ORI comes to a close, I wondered how we would be able to continue our relationship with many of the directors and homes that we have come to admire and love. We'll be coming back occasionally for board  meetings and when we're here, we'll continue to connect with those we love. It's amazing how God works!
It's a buyers market for homes in the States right now....but we're still looking for the right place with just under 7 weeks till we return. Continue to pray that we will find the right place, soon!

Love you all,
Jim and Sheryl Leaman

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Winding Down

Today will be a BIG final team day at Casa Bernabe, the orphanage that we've been taking most of this years team to. Salem Hellers church from Leola Pa, has been here this week working on the wall at the orphanage and taking care of the children for the house parents while they attended a 2 day conference. It was like when grandma comes to the house for a few days so mom and dad can get away...the rules disappear. I'm sure the team and house parents will return to normal soon! This afternoon we'll be doing chicken BBQ for almost 300 at the home and spending time playing with the kids, that should be fun!
It's been a roller coaster ride this week emotionally. The house we put an offer on in State College was not accepted so we continue to wait for God to show us the right home that we'll live in for the next phase of our lives. Today our daughter looks at 2 more that we think are possibilities. I guess the highest point of the coaster ride was when we accepted a cash sale of our home that we purchased when we came to Guatemala almost 3 year ago. The buyer is willing to let us stay in the house untill we leave just before Thanksgiving. It's a good thing that we decided to send 15 bags of things that we wanted to keep along back with the last 2 Pa teams. The purchase was made with everything included....EVERYTHING! When we find a place in State College we'll have to start house keeping all over again, what fun! In spite of all the ups and downs over the last 1/2 year with our work here it is obvious that God is in control and what He has planned for us, is our desire totally. When we return to the States, Nate and Angie living in State College will be having their 4th child, which will be our 8th grandchild. We give thanksgiving and praise for each of them and anticipate what God has for each of them.
Just yesterday I picked up our passports from the embassy with the final residency stamp giving us permanent residency status in Guatemala. That hardly makes sense when we'll be leaving in 3 month! Maybe God has something in the future that would require it. We'll see.
I just heard some noise outside and see that the guards are going through our trash....when Americans begin to clean out, there's often things that the Guatemalans can use. They took the wooden sticks that I used to hold the for sale sign up. What is one mans junk is another's treasure! I'm sure till we're done there will be many small items that they'll treasure. A few days ago Sheryl was reaffirming that Alejandro had some small children and then went inside and came out with maybe 15-20 small stuffed animals for his children...big smiles! Then Alex was dissapointed so she gave him a large teddy to remember us with. There are also boxes sitting around with items for some of the homes where we've made the closest connections and friendships. We will surely have a difficult time saying goodbye to all our special friends.
Continue praying for us as we make decisions and continue searching for a house.

Gods Blessing to all our faithful supporters and prayer warriors,
Jim and Sheryl Leaman

Monday, July 25, 2011

Just a few yet!

Last night as I was doing a debriefing, Denny was doing an orientation. That only happend twice this year when one team was leaving and another coming with a short overlap. It has been a busy month with teams every day. We'll be ready for a one week break next week then another team to end the ORI schedule followed by a Childrens Hopechest visit....then I think there will be time to relax. Along with the progress on the security wall, we've been doing quite a bit of painting at Casa Bernabe. Sheryl and I try to keep people busy with that while the rest of the guys work on the wall. We've had some really dedicated teams and it's been a pleasure! At Casa Bernabe we feel like we're at home! The kids love when we're there with crafts, and time to play with them. We're at one of the more difficult places with the construction of the wall. It's steep!....with a bank covered with a thin layer of concret to keep the dirt from washing away, so holes need to be cut into the concrete, then the posts set and cemented in before the actual wall pieces can be put in place. Lots of hands make light work! Last week we had a nice dedication service for the construction of  the wall. The team from Friedens Luthern Church from Somerset, Pa was the group that originally initiated the idea of the project when they wanted to do something in memory of one of their faithful members that passed away recently from cancer. His wife was along to help which made it even more special. A plaque will be put up when it's finished remembering Lon and the other teams that made the project possible.
God has been so good, providing some extra room with returning teams to take some luggage of ours along back to the Pa area for us. The Somerset team bought their tickets in February before the new baggage regulations were put into place so they were able to check in two bags each and the team that left this morning had some extra space returning to Quarryville, so we sent some along with them. The house has been a mess in the evenings as we gathered some of the things we wanted to pack and send back. It does seem strange, packing up to return to the States. Our house is for sale and we have a few interested people, so pray that God would bring us a buyer. It's public information now!.....Angela, our daughter in State College is expecting their 4th child in early December...number 8 for grandpa and grandma! That will be a wonderful going home present for us.

Thanks for your prayers as we finish up the year

Jim and Sheryl Leaman

Sunday, July 3, 2011


This past week has been one to remember for a long time. Sheryl and I  along with Rolando Monterroso hosted our first Childrens Hopechest Team. Rolando is a 27 year old Guatemalan that I've learn to know, and is now our discipler for the Hope Chest relationship we've begun. His work includes regular visits to the homes that are sponsored by churches in the States, and he also gathers the information to put together a development plan for each home that waits for sponsorship. It has been an interesting learning experience as we all forge ahead into new territory, and then have the opportunity to see the results of what God has brought together this past week. The Cornerstone Presbyterian Church from Maryland chose to sponsor two orphanages in Guatemala and both are homes which ORI has provided food and where all of us have close friendships with the children. The team that came was delivering a message to them..."God wants to lavish them with His love..and they do too!" Through skits, going to the zoo, taking the kids to a soccer game, and many hugs, tears, and special words with them, this was accomplished. Some of the children had never been to the zoo and many of them just wanted to be loved with big hugs and a shoulder to lay their heads on. After the soccor game there was time for Pollo Campero! 9 kids meals and everyone else could order whatever they wanted...43 meals when we were done ordering to be enjoyed. The bus ride back was rather quiet with many of them sleeping.  
One day off and another team arrives tomorrow from Max Lucado's church, Oak Hills in Texas. We'll be working with them on a project at Fundaninos putting stainless steel razor wire on top of the outside wall of the property. 480 meters or 1575 ft to complete the job. I think we can do it! We'll have the medical bag with Denny's sutures close by if needed.
The rainy season sure makes things nice and green, but it creates a mess on some of the dirt roads. On Tuesday the bus got stuck in the mud on our return trip to the hotel....I thought ahead and took some old work shoes along just in case, so I was the one to shovel us out while it was dumping down more rain. Three attempts and we made it! We're hoping that some road repairs will be made soon, to give us a base of stone instead of the slime that's there now. We'll see! Adventures Ahead! Will make good fb postings!

Love and Prayers

Jim and Sheryl Leaman

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Teams are our Life!

On a rainy Sunday morning we're catching our breath from a busy week of teams. Manheim BIC from Pa has been here this week working at Casa Bernabe on the wall, painting and having lots of fun with the kids. Friday afternoon we had an ice cream party for the kids and I heard comments like...this makes my week to see all those smiles. Someone said that it had been 4 month since they had ice cream.14 gallon was enough to give some of the hungry ones a second serving, then after the ice cream was finished some came back for a cup of whipped cream and sprinkles....we can spoil them every now and then! Last night Sheryl and I went to the airport to pick up another team of 12, here with Children's HopeChest. The team's from MD. and will be here building relationships with two homes that the church has committed to supporting for 3 years...which usually goes on much longer as the relationship continues to build. This is the first team here through our partnering with CHC, so pray that our time with the homes will truely build significant relationships that last.
The RAINY season is here! In the last 4 days my rain gauge collected 7 inches. Makes it a little tough to work on the security wall but we're managing to get some done before, between, and after showers. The yard is just about too high for my amish push mower, but if there's a chance this afternoon I'll try even though it's or never. I'll soon have to harvest it with a machete!
It seems like only a dream that we'll be leaving around the end of the year and returning to Pa. We've been busy looking at houses on line and about the time we see something we like, it's under agreement but it is a buyers market and there are many choices, so we're praying that when the time is right we'll know! In the meantime our time is flying by so fast, cause we really do enjoy the team season when we learn to know so many people that come to help with our work, and to love on the children.
We still take time to connect with our grand children through skype and this week was really special when Jenelle sent us a short video clip of Grady, just 2 years old swimming. I guess when the pool is outside the back door it becomes easier to learn, also with older sisters pushing him on!
Continue to pray that God would bring the right people to Guatemala for the work of ORI, to continue blessing the many homes we serve.

Love and Prayers
Jim and Sheryl Leaman

Sunday, June 12, 2011

1st Section Finished!

We've had alot of fun this week with the Cornerstone Church from Ohio. Cornerstone is one of the strong supportors of an orphanage that we deliver donations to and as they made their visit there on Thursday afternoon our hearts were moved, theirs as well, as they connected with the children.
Today we'll attend church at Casa de Libertad then take the team again to their "favorite" home for an afternoon of fun with the kids.
We were busy again this week working on the security wall at Casa Bernabe. Wow! can't believe how much the guys completed and enjoyed it as well. It was almost hilarious on Friday evening as we were putting tools away and wraping up the work for the week....the guys said "we just have to come back tomorrow and finish this section before we leave". The first section tying into the neighboring property had all the posts concreted in and only needed the panels installed so they came back Saturday afternoon to "make it complete" before going home! Thanks everyone for your hard work and wonderful attitude. Others on the team painted the inside of Casa Alabanze, one of the younger kids homes which really brightened it up, while others helped with the kitchen duties required to feed 200 people every day. Our work there has really been appreciated by the home, and untill we're finished with the wall project the kids will be almost like family to us. The weather has cooperated in the most part with our project even though we're in the start of the rainy season. Every afternoon there's a chance of rain but we keep praying that it comes in the evening and nights so that we can continue with the wall project.
 Had another one of those "moments" when I thought about the ending of our time in Guatemala....when I purchased the airline tickets for the last team in August. We appreciate your prayers as we contine to make decisions necessary for our return to the States.